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Cargill RegenConnect®

Growing success from the ground up

Log into your Cargill RegenConnect account here.

Unlock your soil's potential

Profitability and positive environmental impacts can go hand in hand. When you implement regenerative practices such as cover crops and reduced tillage, you increase crop productivity and land resilience, enhance soil organic matter, reduce erosion, and improve water quality and availability.

Sign in & explore your carbon potential

Get involved in Cargill RegenConnect®

Partner with Cargill in our regenerative ag program to access emerging markets, while preparing for the future of farming. Get paid for the carbon you sequester by enrolling acres with new and expanded regenerative practices.

We make it easy for farmers to adopt new soil health practices by providing:

  • Payment of $35 per metric ton for carbon sequestered.
  • A choice of regenerative practices to adopt, including zero tillage, reduced tillage, and cover crops (any species eligible).
  • An intuitive self-service online platform.
  • One-on-one support from a Cargill Conservation Agronomist.

Contact us at [email protected] or (612)970-7581 to learn more.

Take a short quiz to see if your field is eligible.

US Map with eligible states highlighted in teal

*You must have a Cargill account to enroll. Please email [email protected] to create an account.

Fertile Ground Video Series

Learn how real farmers have found success in implementing soil health practices such as reduced tillage, no till, and cover crops on their farms while partnering with Cargill RegenConnect®.



Real experiences in regenerative ag


Here how Iowa farmers are implementing soil health practices on their farm and getting paid for those practices through Cargill RegenConnect. Our Cargill RegenConnect team hosted a farmer panel at Farm Progress Show 2024 where farmers on the program shared their soil health journey with us.

Frequently asked questions

Who is eligible for this program?

  • You must be a Cargill customer and located in one of the following states: North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Kentucky, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina. 
    • If you are not currently a Cargill customer, please reach out to your local Cargill office or [email protected] to get an account set up. Your Cargill account # will be required to receive payment. 
  • There is no minimum/maximum acre requirement for practice changes.

What practices are required?

  • You must enroll acres with new or expanded sustainable practices, such as cover crops and reduced tillage practices. 
  • One of the following crops must be present in at least one out of five prior crop years: corn, soybeans, cotton, sunflower, flax, canola, milo.
  • A summer and/or winter cash crop must be present in crop year 2025 to receive payment.
  • Fields that will be in a perennial forage (ie. alfalfa, grass pasture, hay, etc.) in the upcoming crop year are not eligible. 
  • There are no minimum/maximum acre requirements.

What data is required?

There are three times a grower will need to log-in and complete data.

1. Enrollment

  • Select fields and boundaries.
  • Confirm or edit the five-year field management history (summer crops, winter crops, tillage practices).
  • Assign new practices to adopt for the next growing season (no-till, reduced till, cover crops).
  • View estimated outcomes.
  • Sign your contract.

2. Measurement 1

  • Summer crop details.
  • Winter crop details.
  • Tillage details.
  • Next year's summer crop intention.
  • Optional: nutrient management.

3. Measurement 2

  • Winter crop details.
  • Tillage details if applicable.
  • Summer crop planting details.
  • Optional: nutrient management.

The ability to sync MyJohnDeere and Climate FieldView Farm Management Systems (FMS) is available.

When do I get paid?

Payments are remitted in two installments:

  1. Initial Payment: Spring 2025 for 50% of estimated outcomes.
  2. Final Payment: Spring 2026 for the remaining balance of actual outcomes.

**Payments are based on actual outcomes and may fluctuate from the original estimate. Deviation from the contract may result in an impact to your payments.

How long is the contract period?

Your regenerative ag adoption plan and contract begins at enrollment and ends January 31, 2026. We look forward to learning with you and partnering in a long-term effort to reduce carbon emissions. New or expanded acres are required to start now; however, those fields are eligible for payments in the future if you continue to use sustainable qualified practices and enroll in the program again.

Can I participate in this program if I am already in another program?

Participation in any other progam that generates, quantifies, models, measures or reports, and takes legal ownership of environmental outcomes on fields enrolled in Cargill RegenConnect® for any business purpose for renewable fuel markets or other emissions reductions based program excluding most State or Federal conservation programs is not allowed. 

How can I get more information?

Please visit to find contact information for your local team or contact us at [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you!

Close up of cotton flower

Strengthen your soil, your crop, and your bottom line

Cargill is introducing the Regeneratively-sourced Cotton program that rewards cotton growers for the positive soil health practices you are already using. You can earn a premium for each pound of regeneratively-grown cotton you produce.

Get rewarded for your cotton